I had so many quality influences growing up, but not many in the entrepreneurial path until my mom remarried Paul Tibbitts when I was 10 years old. Paul grew up with entrepreneur parents who owned multiple businesses, held real estate, owned an airplane, and understood excellence in all they put their hands to. I didn't understand this until later in life and this episode shares my journey.
Monty & Shellie Tibbitts were wonderful to me as a step-grandson. I watched them and always wondered HOW they had so many people working for them, how they had two new Jags in the driveway, how they had a beautiful main house and beach house, how they could afford their own private airplane, boat, and wave-runners. I wondered WHY they entertained so extravagantly, inviting family and business associates to their homes & boat. I wondered why they were members of private golf clubs and yacht clubs. To be honest, I never connected my wonderings of HOW to WHY. It never struck me that they purposely lived their lives with their family and people of influence to better their life and the lives around them. I never understood the extraordinary efforts they took in presenting their home for parties with classical music in the background, jumbo shrimp bowls, perfectly matched table decor, a clean home, fine clothing & jewelry, and even a live-in cook to care for the family & guests. If I was wiser as a kid, I would have noticed that the way they lived their lives is the reason why they had what they had. Instead, I viewed their life through the wrong lens thinking they were "Rich People" who were flaunting. That mindset wasn't often, but I'd be lying if I didn't think it. The truth was this. They weren't flaunting anything. They just understood something about relationships and excellence that I did not. Plus, their character and the way they treated me was always first class. That's why I was so saddened when Pop-Pop Monty passed away last year.
Over Thanksgiving, we finally fulfilled a promise to visit Grandma Shellie for brunch. When we arrived, I was brought back to childhood with the smells, sounds, and appearance of excellence all around me. It was something to behold. This time it clicked. I am a Presentation Cleaning Specialist with over a decade of training by realtors & stagers how to prepare a house for sale. I've used this in real estate cleaning, office, and recurring house cleaning to great advantage. Therefore, I asked Grandma Shellie. "Why do you go through such effort to make everything look so good even when it's just your family coming over?" Grandma Shellie replied. "Kenny, you eat with your eyes before before you eat with your Mouth". That was all I needed to hear. I understood everything I ever witnessed as a kid. I understood that every wonder I had aligned. You must be congruent. If the way your live your life at home and with guests is exquisite and excellent, your business products & services must also be excellent. Monty & Shellie knew that they were public servants as business owners and therefore they wanted the community to know that they cared so much that even the finest details were covered in excellence. This is why they were so richly blessed with growing companies and employees that loved them. The proof of their lifetime commitment was during Monty's Memorial Service when so many shared their memories. I was so impressed with a life well lived. Honestly, I am not sure that I can attain the level they ascended, but I can start now and so can you. Be excellent.
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