Welcome to the next Solo Saturday! I'm here for you solo cleaners. Have you enjoyed these bonus episodes just for you? We're just coming off the Christmas Season, New Year's, and now we're hard at work setting 2022 goals. I want to share a scene from one of my favorite movies, "It's a Wonderful Life". This scene is a turning point in George Bailey's life as he decides to follow his calling into the great unknown to help people rather than bowing to the almighty dollar that Mr. Potter was offering. See if you recognize this scene. I'll act it out!
[Quite a cigar, Mr. Potter.
You like it? I'll send you a box. Well, I, uh, I suppose I'll find out sooner or later, but just what exactly did you want to see me about? George, now that's just what I like so much about you. George, I'm an old man, and most people hate me. But I don't like them, either, so that that makes it all even.You know, just as well as I do, that I run practically everything in this town but the Bailey Building and Loan. You know, also, that for a number of years I've been trying to get control of it or kill it. But I haven't been able to do it. You have been stopping me. In fact, you have beaten me, George, and as anyone in this county can tell you, that takes some doing. Take during the depression, for instance. You and I were the only ones that kept our heads. You saved the Building and Loan, I saved all the rest. Yeah. Well, most people say you stole all the rest. The envious ones say that, George, the suckers. Now, I have stated my side very frankly. Now, let's look at your side. Young man, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, married, making say...forty a week. Forty-five! Forty-five. Forty-five. Out of which, after supporting your mother and paying your bills, you're able to keep, say ten, if you skimp. A child or two comes along, and you won't even be able to save the ten. Now, if this young man of twenty-eight was a common, ordinary yokel, I'd say he was doing fine. But, George Bailey is not a common, ordinary yokel. He's an intelligent, smart, ambitious young man, who hates his job, who hates the Building and Loan, almost as much as I do. A young man who's been dying to get out on his own ever since he was born. A young man...the smartest one of the crowd, mind you, a young man who has to sit by and watch his friends go places, because he's trapped. Yes, sir, trapped into frittering his life away playing nursemaid to a lot of garlic-eaters. Do I paint a correct picture, or do I exaggerate? Oh, what's your point, Mr. Potter? My point? My point is, I want to hire you. Hire me? I want you to manage my affairs, run my properties. George, I'll start you out at twenty thousand dollars a year. Twenty thous... twenty thousand dollars a year? You wouldn't mind living in the nicest house in town, buying your wife a lot of fine clothes, a couple of business trips to New York a year, maybe once in a while Europe. You wouldn't mind that, would you, George? Would I? Y-You're not talking to somebody else around here, are you? you know, th-this is me, you remember me? George Bailey. Oh, yes, George Bailey. Whose ship has just come in, provided he has enough brains to climb aboard. Holy mackerel! Well, how about the Building and Loan? Oh, confound it, man! Are you afraid of success? I'm offering you a three-year contract at twenty thousand dollars a year, starting today. Is it a deal, or isn't it? Well, Mr. Potter, I... I...I know I ought to jump at the chance but I...I just, uh, I-I wonder if-if it would be possible for you to give me twenty-four hours to think it over? Sure, sure, sure. You go on home and talk about it to your wife. I'd like to do that. Yeah. In the meantime, I'll draw up the papers. All right, sir. Okay, George? Okay, Mr. Potter. No, no, no, no. Wait a minute here. Wait a minute. I don't need twenty-four hours. I, I don't have to talk to anybody.I know right now, and the answer is no! No! Doggone it! You sit around here and you spin your little webs and you think the whole world revolves around you and your money. Well, it doesn't, Mr. Potter. In the...in the whole vast configuration of things, I'd say you were nothing but a scurvy little spider. You...and that goes for you, too.] George leaves Potter's office with a renewed purpose and all the passion to help more of the people in Potter's slum to get affordable homes of their own. It's a great scene. I want you to focus in on one line in the middle, where Mr. Potter slams his fists on the table and says. "Oh, confound it, man! Are you afraid of success? I'm offering you a three-year contract at twenty thousand dollars a year, starting today. Is it a deal, or isn't it?" This offer would have increased George's income by 8.5 times! Roughly speaking, Potter was offering George a raise in today's dollars from $35,000 per year to $300,000 per year. How could he turn it down? We all know the reason. George was a man of principle and he wasn't going to give Potter what he wanted... the only building he couldn't get his hands on... the Building and Loan. Let's turn the table and see through Mr. Potter's eyes. He said. "Are you afraid of success?". Potter knows the life of living in abundance. Yes, he wants the Building and Loan, but he genuinely wants George on his team and he will pay him anything. The whole town loves George and he has been strong and astute enough to beat Potter for years. Potter cannot believe that George won't accept his offer. He is offering his family a chance to join the wealthy class and never be in want again. Potter believes that George is way underperforming in income compared to his value and influence. Potter knows talent and sees that George is worth $20,000 per year on a 3-year contract. He thinks that George doesn't see his value and is afraid of it. This falls under the Upper Limit concept, where people cannot grow their own belief level. Potter is trying to shatter George's income upper limit. He wants the Building & Loan, but he also would love to have George handling his properties because he'd make more money! Solo cleaners, let me ask you an important question. Are you staying solo for the right reasons? Is your goal to keep it simple, clean a few days per week, and earn $40 - $60,000 per year? That's a great goal. Go after it. In fact, take my ISO Model Course to show you how in the Solo Elite Membership. I'll also ask you this. Are you afraid of success? Are you not scaling your business with a team and systems because it's hard and you may not make it? Is fear holding you back? Is your dream bigger than a solo cleaning company can provide? If so, you need to go in the face of your fear like the buffalo in "A Buffalo Charges the Storm with Debbie Sardone" I am not trying to get you to follow me and scale. I was a happy, optimizing solo cleaner for 16 years! It was awesome! I am just asking you to evaluate your reasons for not scaling. Are you afraid of success?
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