SMART Goals Workshop
Workshop participants may apply for the Smart Cleaning Tribe. Accepted new members receive either their 2nd month in the Tribe free or $250 off their first year's annual membership!
Kill the Overwhelm & Crush your Goals!
Register for Workshop!
I feel like I have a renewed clarity on my Why. Ken listened well, asked hard questions that helped ME understand ME better, broke my BIG goal into bite-sized pieces, and discussed past failures. Ken is truly genuine, and loves seeing people meet their goals. I am now signing my employees up to do a workshop with Ken as I know how much they will benefit.
I've always wanted to set my life goals but never found the motivation nor the time to write them. I am beyond grateful that Ken created the Goals Workshop and helped me dig deep into my Why for wanting to create a sucessful cleaning business for year 2021. He helped me create a plan and what steps to take to reach my goals... Thanks Ken for all your help!